Classes Nursery to V
White Short-Sleeve Shirts and White Shorts with School Tie, Belt, School Badge, Plain White Socks, Plain Black Leather School Shoes with laces.
White Short-Sleeve Shirts and White Skirts with School Tie, Belt, School badge, Plain White Socks, Black Leather School Shoes.
Classes VI to XII
White Short-Sleeve Shirts and White Pants/ Trousers with School Tie, Belt, School Badge, Plain White Socks, Plain Black Leather School Shoes with laces.
White Short sleeve Shirts and White skirts with School Tie, Belt, School badge, Plain White Socks, Black Leather School Shoes.
Classes Nursery to V
Boys and Girls
In addition to normal Uniform Red Cardigan with School monogram is compulsory.Trousers for Boys, White Stockings for Girls.
Classes VI to XII
Boys and Girls
In addition to normal Uniform Maroon Blazer with School Monogram is Compulsory.
P. T. Uniform
- On P.T. days the Students from classes III to XI must Wear White Keds and T-Shirts of House Colour.
- Every Student must Wear a Proper, Complete and Clean uniform daily.
- The following is the approved school uniform for the students of Nursery to Class XI. It is advisable that children should have at least two sets of uniform.
- Hair and Nails must be cut regularly and Shoes/Keds must be polished.
- Boys must shave as no long sideburns, beard or mustache is permitted in School.
Approved Tailor
Angasree Tailor 88C, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 Opp. Entally Market
- Boys and girls from classes Nursery to U. K. G. must wear white tracks and slacks respectively from November to February.
- Children must wear the tie, belt, School badge and Students ID card.
- No valuables may be worn or brought to School. School will not be responsible for the loss.
- Hair below shoulder length should be neatly plated and kept clean.
- No coloured clips, bands or combs should be worn, only black is permitted
- No coloured nail polishes are allowed on fingernails or toe nails. colouring of hair is not permitted.